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Grades 1-7

  • After school pickup from the following public schools:  1, 42, 124, 126. 130, & Transfiguration School

85% of our students score level 3+ in ELA.

50% score level 4 in ELA.

75% score level 4 in Math.

Statewide assessments are administered in the spring to New York State students from grades 3-8 consisting of English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics. The exams are designed to measure students’ mastery in the learning standards set in the classroom. The state wide exam also ensures that all students are on track to graduate high school with critical thinking, problem solving, and reasoning skills needed to succeed in college and the modern workplace. Leap Education provides tutoring services and curated material to prepare students for both state wide exams.


Click here for more NYSED information (NYSED, 2024)

2024 Updates on State Wide Exams 

  • Grades 3-8 ELA and Math Tests are two sessions each. Students will take each subject test over two testing days. 

  • Grades 3-8 ELA and Math Test will be untimed. As long as the student is working productively, they will have as much time as needed within the time constraints of the school testing day. 

  • Schools have the option to administer computer-based tests (CBT) for students. Online practice exams are available to mimic the testing environment.

Resource for Parents

  • 2024 Score Reports for parents will provide information on what students should know and be able to do at their respective grade level. 

  • Exam scores are used to evaluate improvements in the learning standards at each school district.

Common FAQ

  • What type of questions are on the test?

    • There are multiple-choice and open-ended questions on the ELA and Math exams used to gauge students’ learning standards. 

    • Questions prompt students to apply their knowledge and be able to explain their reasoning for open-ended questions. 

    • Students will read text, write responses, and solve real-world problems, the skills necessary to prepare them for the next grade.


  • When will the 2024 Grades 3-8 ELA and Math Test results be available?

    • Test results are anticipated to be available in August. 


  • How will the 2024 Grades 3-8 ELA and Math Tests result be used?

    • Results can be used to measure how school districts are progressing with the State’s learning standards. 

    • State law and Regulations of the Commissioner prohibit school districts from making placement decisions based solely on students’ performance on the ELA and Math Tests. These scores however can be used as a  supplement with other measures when making a decision.    

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